How To Maintain Your Home’s Exterior

Published on: August 19th, 2021

By looking after your home, you are maintaining its value. While we regularly make time to wash and service our cars, our homes are often not given the same attention, even though they are our biggest investments. It is good practice to regularly inspect your property to catch any potential problems that could lead to expensive damage. Almost all exterior surfaces around your home will last longer if they are regularly cleaned and maintained. Here are a few of our tips to maintaining your home’s exterior, ensuring it stands the test of time.

Check Your Roof Annually

Your roof should have a long lifespan, but to make sure it lasts you need to regularly check for any damage or deterioration. If you do spot any damage, make sure you address it and have it repaired immediately. It is a good idea to invest in regular cleaning to remove moss, dirt or lichen from your roof which can wear it down over time if not treated. This will keep your roof functioning as it should and save you money in the long term. For certain types of roofing, it is actually recommended that no water pressure be applied at all, so it can be useful to get professional advice to achieve the best outcome. We offer a variety of roof washing treatments to suit each surface.

Keep Gutters Clear

During autumn, your gutters can take on lots of leaves and debris, so winter is the ideal time to clear gutters out and inspect for damage. Full gutters can actually lead to water damage in your home, so make sure to stay on top of them.

For best results, hire a gutter cleaning & maintenance professional. They will make sure the job is done safely and effectively.

Keep Exterior Walls Clean & Well Maintained

Walk around your property and check for any siding that is cracked or coming loose, any problems found should be repaired as a top priority. Cutting back any trees, plants or shrubs from making contact with your home’s exterior can also prevent peeling paint, scratches and mildew.

It’s no secret that New Zealand’s weather is harsh on exteriors. There will also be a natural build up of dirt, salt, mould, moss, bird droppings and other contaminants that interact with surface coatings. For this reason, it is suggested to have an exterior house wash once per year. This will prolong the life of your paint and exterior building materials. It’s also important to use a low pressure wash on the exterior of you home, as high pressure water blasting can cause damage to surfaces. It is also worth noting that water alone is unlikely to to completely remove build up, especially in the long term. With a professional house wash however, all of your surfaces will actually be sterilised as well, making it very difficult for mould to set in again.

Get Expert Advice

It is important to carry out preventative maintenance on your property to prevent larger problems from occurring and it is recommended to get qualified help when necessary. Get in touch with the friendly team at Chemwash for a free, no-obligation quote. We can also provide advice on house washing or any of our exterior cleaning services.

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What our clients are saying


Chemwash Hamilton are great, they turn up when they are meant to, and did a great job of washing the house. The boys were friendly and accommodating of my requests, and after the spider spray, the house remained cobweb free all year until the next house wash. Highly recommend!

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