Chemwash Quality Audits

Published on: August 15th, 2022

Commitment To Quality

Over the last 30 years, Chemwash has built up a good reputation for a high standard of work. We put a lot of time and effort into training our staff, to ensure you get the best possible results. Part of this process also includes following up on our jobs to make sure we are continually providing top quality work.

How Does It Work?

Each day, a number of jobs we have recently completed are randomly selected by computer for a follow up audit. Our trained field officers will revisit the job site and check on a list of individual areas to make sure they have been cleaned correctly. If we notice anything that has been missed, we’ll make it right as soon as we can. If we notice a pattern of missed spots emerging over a period of time, we can address it and use it as a training opportunity. As far as we are aware, this follow up audit process is unique in the exterior cleaning industry.

At present our audit pass rate is very good. But let’s be honest. While we aim for perfection, there is always room for improvement. For instance, it could be that the top of the downpipe has been overlooked. You can’t see it from the ground, but when you walk out your front door onto your deck it’s staring you in the face. Sound familiar? Or maybe it’s the bottom edge of your weatherboards. You definitely don’t want to be leaving any mould right next to an overlap in the boards where it will hold moisture and eventually find its way inside.

Often these sort of things can be sorted on the spot. If we can’t do that, we’ll reschedule a return visit at no cost to you and put it right. Our audit process itself is also completely free of charge. It’s just another way we hope to enhance your experience with Chemwash.

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Cleaning Hydroslides

This was definitely one of our more unusual jobs!

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? It may be one we get asked often. Find the answers here!

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You are always assured of our best service and a top-quality job. Our workmanship and your satisfaction are fully guaranteed.

What our clients are saying


Chemwash Hamilton are great, they turn up when they are meant to, and did a great job of washing the house. The boys were friendly and accommodating of my requests, and after the spider spray, the house remained cobweb free all year until the next house wash. Highly recommend!

Who We Have Worked With